Founder and President of PERU MYSTIC TOURS S.A.

Specializes in sending visitors to the Mysterious Stone Figures of Markawasi (Marcahuasi), as well as to shaman ceremonies, UFO sites, the Nazca Lines, Macchu Picchu, the Lord of Sipan. the Stone Carvings of Dr. Cabrera in Ica, and other interesting and fascinating places in Peru.

Television Talk Show Host

Have appeared on all eight TV stations in the city of Lima – talking and discussing UFO’s, ET’s, Time Travel, Astral Travelling, Psychometry, Reincarnation, Life after Death, Ghosts, Dreams, Psychic Operations, shamanism, witchdoctors, Psychics and other interesting topics. I appeared on the Los Angeles TV program “Cara a Cara” on the Telemundo Network for a one hour interview.

Advisor to TV Stations

The talk show producers for all the TV stations in Lima were in regular contact with me to send them interesting and adventurous people to their shows. I once organized a major 2 hour show on Channel 9 “Fuego Cruzado” on Saturday night Prime Time abouth UFO’s – including photos, videos, contactees, etc. On another station I arranged ‘the first interview ever with an extraterrestrial’ on Channel 5 on the most important news and current affairs program in the country. The interview, of about 8 minutes, was broadcast by satellite around the whole of South America.

Organizer of Two Major Congresses in South America

The first International Panamerican Mystical Congress in Lima, Peru, in September 1989 and the Second International Panamerican Mystical Congress in Buenos Aires in Argentina in May 1990. Both congresses featured renowned UFO expert from the USA: Dr. James Harder from San Francisco, CA, was the Keynote Speaker. Both congresses were most successful – and for the first time UFO ´figures from inca times´were shown on slides by Dr. Alicia Holmer (clay figures of space craft type objects made 100’s of years ago).

Host of TV and Radio Shows

Hosted for 5 years the radio show “The Astral Voyage” on Telelestereo 88 FM in Lima a New age Music program, and during 1990 hosted “Dreams of Peace” a New Age TV Program on Channel 11. Radio DJ on Radio 99.1.FM since 1984. First few years with rock music and since 1992 a two hour reggae show called ‘RADIO REGGAE’ which is heard on radio stations all over Latin America. .

Silva Mind Control Instructor

From 1972 onwards trained in the Silva Method, organizing courses in Switzerland, England, and Perú. Became an International Instructor, completing training in Laredo, Texas and taught the very first courses in Cape Town, South Africa, to multi-racial audiences. Later went on to learn Spanish and teach the course in that language.

Investigator of Psychic Phenomena

Independent Investigator into Metaphyscal Phenomena. Formed the “Peruvian Ghostbusters” who regularly visited persons who are being hounded by spirits or having trouble with their deceased husbands. Have solved several important cases using psychics!

Lived in Africa for 5 Years

Was manager of a top African Afro-Rock Band UHURU (Sankomota) who went on to record eight albums and do two major tours of Europe. During many years one of the most popular bands of Southern Africa!

Radio Kest 1450 AM San Francisco

During one week between Christmas and New Year’s 1990, I took over “The Judith Conrad Show”- a psychic talk show where for one hour every day I did psychometry over the air – telling listeners who called in who their spirit guides are and giving them a message from their guides. In just one week the show became very popular!
During the same visit to California, spent one week in Beverly Hills visiting stars and telling them the future of their kids (using psychometry). Got a standing ovation at a UFO conference in Los Angeles with a talk and display of the figures of Markawasi.

Books and DVDs

Helped translate two major books, both by Americans: Helen Hadsell´s” The name it and Claim it Game” and Virginia Essene´s “New Teachings for an Awakened Humanity”. Wrote my own book together with American Kathy Doore titled ‘PERU’S INEXPLICABLE STONE FOREST: MARKAWASI’. The book has won several prizes including the Best Table Book at the Florida Book Fair. A DVD was also made by American film producer BILL COTE titled THE MYSTERIOUS STONE MONUMENTS OF MARKAWASI PERU’. This documentary was shown at several film festivals and won a ‘Diploma de Honor’ at the Festival International de Cine Digital in Viña del Mar, Chile..

TV Station Manager

For two years co-managed Channel 27 UHF in Lima – and helped put various UFO experts on the air. We once had “A whole week of talk show programs” on UFO’s – inviting experts in the country – during the early hours we had young people talking about phenomena – and in the evening the adults. My programs had the largest rankings ever for that station! We also did a one week show against bull fighting which is a legal ´sport´here in Peru.