“High atop a remote plateau in Central Peru, hundreds of illusive shapes can be seen in the living rock. Are they merely natural erosion, or were they carved, as some think, by the hand of man? And if so, whose hand, and for what reason?”
So begins this fascinating video of what is one of the most wonderful spots on the planet. Markawasi (also spelled Marcahuasi), located at 12,500′ in the Andes Mountains.
The statue at the right is the Monument to Humanity. Named by Daniel Ruzo for the four distict races of humanity which can be found on this 85 foot high monument. Situated at the Northern entrance to the plateau, it greets all visitors.
The man responsible for what little is known about Marcahuasi, was the late Daniel Ruzo, a Peruvian explorer. This interview was probably his last, filmed in 1991. With his wife Carola translating (both pictured left), we learn of his theories about the creation of the images in Markawasi. A forgotten race created the statues before they were destroyed by a world-wide cataclysm. A warning to us, he says.
According to the Ruzo’s, the previous humanity lived on earth in Proto-History; before our civilization. They were very advanced, able to travel world wide and left evidence of themselves in many places. (see Romanian “Sphinx”, right) This agrees with theories of the Hopi Indians suggesting we are not the first humanity to reach a degree of developmental sophistication, but probably the fourth or fifth.
This new video is a complete expansion of the original short film, “Peru’s Mystery in Stone”. It is probably the most comprephensive documentation of Markawasi that has ever been made. Our crew returned to the plateau, this time with a world-famous geologist (Dr. Robert M. Schoch The Mystery of the Sphinx) and the former head of archaeology at Machu Picchu (Dr. Marino Sanchez)
Archival photos and film footage help tell the story of Markawasi from the beginning. Daniel Ruzo first visited Markawasi in 1952. Rare photos show Ruzo at his first campsite (left), at work on the plateau and also record his travels around the world. He found clues to link the megalithic structures with the hidden message of the “Masma Culture”, the lost race he feels is responsible for the carvings on Markawasi.
Dr. Robert M. Schoch examines the rocks and explains how nature and man may have collaborated to bring these amazing “scuptures” into existence. Dr. Schoch makes a surprising disovery that indicates the statues are thousands of years old.
“Markawasi as a whole, I believe, represents one of the quintessential high holy spots on Earth. There are many ways to describe it: in terms of a power point or power place, a center of power, an Earth vortex, a chakra point of the living Gaia, or a congruence of planetary leys or ley lines. No matter what words are used in an attempt to express the nature of Markawasi, they will never do it full justice. The ineffable aspect of the plateau must be experienced.” -Robert M. Schoch, PhD
In a rare moment of discovery, explorer Peter E. Schneider photographed this delicate image. He calls it The Egyptian Princess. It is one of the many clues that suggest contact between Peru and Egypt in the distant past.
“Markawasi defies all previously-known timelines and, if not one of the oldest, it is, without doubt, one of the most curious and extraordinary of all places on the planet. It cannot be easily defined by other historical sites.” -Peter E. Schneider
Could the builders of Markawasi have traveled to Egypt? Left: The African Queen bears a close resemblance to the profile of the Great Sphinx of Egypt (right) according to Dr. Schoch.
Left: The Face on Mars, photographed by NASA.
Right: A Face on Markawasi. Is there a connection?
Preview the book: Markawasi: Peru’s Inexplicable Stone Forest. Writen by Kathy Doore, Forward by Peter E. Schneider.
Whether an armchair explorer or a consummate adventurer, readers will be transported into a realm of exceptional possibilities as they journey through its pages.
This beautifully-illustrated, 176-page hardcover features over 400 color photographs, illustrations, and maps; a 70-page pictorial gallery is included.
Weaving the cultural, historical, and often paranormal lore that is associated with the mesa into a tapestry of dazzling images, illustrations, and walking maps, the book concludes with personal stories of transformation from individuals whose lives have been deeply touched by the mystery that is Markawasi.
The Mysterious Stone Monuments of Markawasi Peru, a two-disc special offer.
Disc one: The program which runs over 59 minutes plus DVD-Rom e-book condensed version of Markawasi: Peru’s Inexplicable Stone Forest.
Disc two: Two hours of additional bonus material. One hour in English, includes more statues, interviews, maps and historical information, a rare archival video, and an interview with a world-famous psychic, revealing a possible extra-terrestrial connection with the enigmatic monuments. A second hour is all Spanish, with behind-the-scenes interviews and a rare videos for the Spanish speaking viewer.
Preview Strange Glitch on YouTube.
During the Broadcast Premiere on The Documentary Channel, a strange GLITCH went out over the air at the exact moment the narration says THE WRONG DATE for the passing away of Daniel Ruzo. The Mysterious Stone Monuments of Markawasi Peru details the story of Ruzo, but when the wrong date is said, his face suddenly turns a mysterious purple color, as if he reached out from the grave to let us know something was wrong. The date has been changed from 1993 to 1991. We apologize for the mistake. He was a great man and deserves to have his story told correctly.